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IObit, преданный своему делу по настройке производительности системы и обеспечению безопасности онлайн, получил доверие профессиональных изданий.

Профессиональные Обзоры

Advanced SystemCare - canalbpv.com

"O Advanced SystemCare é um aplicativo tudo em 1, pois ele reúne várias ferramentas completas para otimização, reparo, diagnóstico e segurança do seu computador. Assim se você é um usuário que não sabe como otimizar seu sistema manualmente o Advanced SystemCare faz isso pra você. Com Apenas um clique você pode otimizar todo seu computador. "

Driver Booster - ldplayer.net

"IObit Driver Booster is really a great helper that can update all your drivers for Windows OS just in one click. For our emulator users, Driver Booster scans and updates their graphics drivers in an easy way so as to boost the PC gaming performance. IObit Driver Booster is highly recommended."

IObit Malware Fighter - navigaweb

"Contro virus e malware del PC si può installare Malware Fighter di IOBit, una solida protezione aggiuntiva gratuita per PC Windows 10. Per aumentare la sicurezza del nostro PC, possiamo affidarci ad un programma gratuito come IObit Malware Fighter, in grado di coadiuvare l'azione dell'antivirus e bloccare le minacce più pericolose prima che possano arrecare danno ai nostri file e al sistema."

Driver Booster - softobase

"Программа Driver Booster быстро и ненавязчиво обновит драйверы на вашем компьютере, в том числе и игровые компоненты. Её интерфейс не перегружен и требует от пользователя лишь два действия - запустить сканирование и разрешить установку обновлений."

Driver Booster - softok

"Одна из лучших программ для инвентаризации программного обеспечения, установленных компонентов ПК. Позволяет проинсталлировать новые и обновить существующие версии драйверов в несколько кликов."

AMC Security - androidlime.ru

"Как оптимизировать смартфон или планшет на базе Android с помощью одной программы? AMC Security — универсальное приложение, которое создано для удаления кэша, ускорения работы девайса и защиты личных данных пользователя в интернете."

Driver Booster 6 - reketec.com

"Driver Booster 6 Free de IOBit es una herramienta que se esfuerza por mantener tu sistema siempre actualizado. El programa escanea tu sistema automáticamente después de la instalación, y te proporcionar una lista simple pero completa de los controladores de tu ordenador, indicando la fecha última de los drivers instalados y si necesitan actualizarse."

Driver Booster 6 - thinkmobiles.com

"Driver Booster searches and updates drivers for Windows OS from an extensive library including drivers for a wide range of hardware. The only action you need is to click and it will install the selected ones on your command."

Advanced SystemCare 12 - software.informer

"Version after version and upgrade after upgrade, Advanced SystemCare keeps offering its many users a useful, effective, and comprehensive PC optimization tool at no cost whatsoever."

Advanced SystemCare 11 - maddownload.com

"Advanced SystemCare 11 can take care of multiple problems with just one click, users can then clean leftover junk data, registry entries and also fix a number of privacy issues as well."

Advanced SystemCare 11 - it-tehnik.ru

"Раньше мне приходилось устанавливать сразу несколько утилит, чтобы обеспечить комплексную очистку системы от разного хлама. Но Advanced System Care помогла мне избавиться сразу от нескольких проблем. Этот продукт является «all-in-one» решением для поддержания ПК в оптимальной форме."

IObit Uninstaller 8 - ru.vessoft.com

"Отличная программа для удаления программного обечпечения без остаточных файлов. Также Obit Uninstaller способен обнаружить все установленные в программах пакеты, отобразить информацию о них и полностью удалить."

Protected Folder - worldofpcgamers.com

"Protected Folder software from IObit is the most trusted and also an easy-to-use password protection tool for your important folders. Protecting your private data has of course lots of benefits."

AMC Security Pro - appdeals.de

"AMC Security Pro ist eine umfangreiche Schutz- und Boost-App mit praktischen Systemfunktionen, die sowohl Malware von Eurem Android-Ger?t entfernt, als auch die Batterielaufzeit Eures Ger?ts verl?ngert und so für mehr Speed sorgt."

IObit Driver Booster - pplware.sapo.pt

"Muitos utilizadores recorrem ao nosso Consultório para terem uma ideia do que usar para actualizar os drivers de forma correcta, para não terem problemas, o que acontece muitas vezes. Assim deixamos a sugestão do IObit Driver Booster."

Advanced SystemCare Pro 8 - www.softwarecrew.com

"Advanced SystemCare 8 Pro impresses immediately with its sheer weight of features, but there’s also a real depth of functionality here, with many tools delivering more than you might expect."

Advanced SystemCare - software.informer.com

"Protecting your PC against common Internet threats and keeping it clean and running smoothly at no cost is possible thanks to Advanced SystemCare. This free system optimization tool provides you with all the basic functionality your PC needs to stay away from hijackers and common viruses, as well as to get rid of all unnecessary files, leftovers, and other junk files, and to keep your registry as good as new."

IObit Uninstaller - giardiniblog.com

"IObit Uninstaller ti aiuta suddividendo i programmi da disinstallare in base allo spazio che occupano su disco fisso, i programmi utilizzati raramente o di ricente, le toolbar e i plugin presenti nei vari browser sul PC, le app dell’interfaccia Modern di Windows 10 e gli aggiornamenti di Windows. Il programma presenta altri interessanti strumenti che puoi utilizzare per disinstallare i programmi difficili da rimuovere, per pulire i file di precedenti disinstallazioni in maniera definitiva, così che questi non possano essere recuperati."

Smart Defrag 4 - uptodown.com review

"Smart Defrag a acquis un nouveau moteur de défragmentation pour moins d'utilisation de processus et pour atteindre un processus plus rapide et stable. Aussi, l'ajustement SSD a été ajouté pour améliorer la performance et obtenir une nouvelle technologie professionnelle pour la défragmentation de jeu afin d'améliorer l'expérience de jeu."

Smart Defrag 4 - jetelecharge.com review

"Il vous donne le diagnostique actuel de la situation de votre disque dur, défragmente et optimise la vitesse d'exécution de votre ordinateur. Facile à utiliser, il est très rapide, assure l'intégrité de vos données et optimise les performance de vos disques, HDD et SSD."

Advanced SystemCare 9 - chimerarevo.com review

"Uno dei migliori software gratuiti della IObit si rinnova, aggiungendo il supporto a Windows 10: Advanced SystemCare 9 pulisce ed ottimizza il sistema."

Driver Booster - giardiniblog.com

"IObit Driver Booster, un programma che comodamente con pochi click, vi permetterà di aggiornare tutti i driver presenti e mancanti, in un colpo solo, risparmiando fatica e tempo, aiutandovi a non commettere un errore grave, ovvero quello di installare driver sbagliati, che possono compromettere la stabilità del vostro computer."

Advanced SystemCare 9 - Vectoritalia video review

"Uno dei migliori programmi disponibili ora per l'ottimizzazione del PC e per pulirlo da file inutili e da processi che appesantiscono la RAM. Un software a 360° facile da usare e molto intuitivo in tutte le sue parti, non mette a rischio file personali e file system che potrebbero danneggiare il nostro PC. Per un pubblico di tutte le età ASC si conferma il migliore software per l'ottimizzazione e protezione quotidiana attualmente in commercio, con funzionalità tutte da scoprire."

Advanced SystemCare 8 - portalgmais.com

"O Advanced SystemCare 8 é o programa mais completo, bonito, fácil de usar e confiável para a manutenção e segurança do computador. Ele pode, com simples cliques, deixar o seu computador mais rápido, com mais espaço e mais seguro."

Advanced SystemCare Ultimate - filehorse.com

"Advanced SystemCare Ultimate has retained five star rating on FileHorse.com. This undoubtedly means most of our trust this application and use it on a regular basis."

IObit Malware Fighter - software.informer.com

"Equipped with the leading Bitdefender antivirus engine and the expanded database capable of detecting and removing over 100 million threats, IObit Malware Fighter offers you the latest anti-malware and antivirus technology for free. It will thoroughly scan your system hard drives and any other external storage device connected to your computer looking for spyware, trojans, keyloggers, worms, hijackers, adware, etc."

IObit Malware Fighter 6 - giardiniblog.com

"IObit Malware Fighter è decisamente il miglior sistema per proteggere un PC in mano ad un utente inesperto dall'attacco dei ransomware, così da evitare anche la perdita dei file, questo programma vanta un efficace sistema anti-ransomware che impedisce la criptazione dei file e il blocco delle attività del PC, così da rendere completamente innocui qualsiasi tipo di ransomware e in generale qualsiasi tipo di malware."

Advanced SystemCare 7 - malavida.com

"Si estás buscando una herramienta que te permita optimizar el rendimiento de Windows de una forma sencilla y rápida, debes descargar Advanced SystemCare cuanto antes, dado que resulta ser una de las mejores alternativas del mercado."

Smart Defrag 2 - programosy.pl

"IObit Smart Defrag - program do defragmentacji dysków twardych charakteryzujący się dużą skutecznością działania. Program może pracować w tle w pełni automatycznie, nie przeszkadzając w normalnym użytkowaniu komputera. IObit SmartDefrag defragmentując rozdzielone i porozrzucane bezładnie pliki pozwala uzyskać maksymalną wydajność dysku twardego."

Advanced SystemCare 7 - instalki.pl

"Advanced SystemCare 7 po zainstalowaniu zajmuje niespełna 100 megabajtów na dysku twardym i nie pożera zbyt wielu zasobów systemowych podczas normalnej pracy."

Smart Defrag - GIGA.de Software

"Smart Defrag has a lot of advantages against Windows Defrag. One of the best Tools for maximizing the hard disk performance."

Advanced SystemCare 6.3.0 - Komputerswiat.pl

"Aplikacja posiada możliwość oczyszczania rejestru systemowego z błędnych wpisów, usuwania niepotrzebnych plików z dysku twardego i przeprowadzania defragmentacji."

Game Booster - soft-ware.net

"Gamer must-have! Not only does it keep your system focused on the game's performance but also your eyes: Game Booster keeps the gaming window on top and allows real-time recording and sharing of video and audio screencaps."

Advanced SystemCare 6 - SOFT2K.COM

"Corrige los errores en tu equipo de una manera rápida y sencilla. Advanced SystemCare es un programa de mantenimiento de equipos que nos permite optimizar y corregir errores en cualquier equipo con Windows como sistema operativo."

Advanced SystemCare with Antivirus 2013 - jugoweb.com

"Y cuando pensábamos que Advanced SystemCare ya era lo suficientemente bueno. Nuestros amigos y amigas de Iobit, nos sorprenden presentándonos la versión de 2013 de Advaced SystemCare. La cual a partir de ahora tiene integrado un antivirus que funciona alimentándose de la base de datos de BitDefender (desde mi perspectiva, el mejor antivirus que hoy por hoy existe)."

Advanced SystemCare with Antivirus 2013 - PLANETARED.COM

"El punto fuerte de esta nueva versión es la inclusión de un poderoso antivirus y antimalware que usa el motor de BitDefender, que es capaz de detectar casi cualquier virus."

IObit Unlocker 1.0 - SOFT2K.COM

"Si has ido a eliminar algún archivo y en ese momento te ha salido el típico mensaje de el archivo que desea eliminar se encuentra en uso o no dispone de los permisos suficientes IObit Unlocker es la solución a tus problemas, ya que nos ayuda a desbloquear archivos imborrables."

Advanced SystemCare 5.2.0 - download3k Review

"All in all, multiple utilities are combined into one great package – Advanced System Care. It is an excellent tool that will surely help your system perform better!"

IObit Uninstaller 2 review - brothersoft.com

"IObit Uninstaller 2 features himself in the market without install required to remove programs, Providing normal uninstall to remove program with its own uninstall part."

Advanced SystemCare V4 - DLC.dk review

"Advanced SystemCare PRO er et super program til optimering af computerens hastighed. Et af de absolut bedste i klassen. Samtidig er programmet meget populært blandt danskere grundet programmets opbygning den høje kvalitet som Advanced SystemCare PRO står for."

Driver Booster 2 - eazel.com review

"IObit Driver Booster è un utilissimo programma per aggiornare i driver del vostro PC, sviluppato dalla IObit, che vi permetterà di mantenere schede audio/video/USB, ecc. sempre efficaci e perfettamente funzionanti."

Advanced SystemCare V4 - download.html.it review

"Nuova versione da IObit per Advanced SystemCare, il noto sistema avanzato per ottimizzare le perfomance dei computer operanti con le principali edizioni di Windows. Una interfaccia pi?accattivante, funzionalit?ottimizzate ed una esperienza d'uso pi?coinvolgente lo rendono un ottimo strumento per mantenere sempre efficiente qualsiasi PC."

Driver Booster 2 - Chimerarevo Review

"Driver Booster 2: il miglior programma per aggiornare i driver! Scarica ed installa i driver mancanti e/o obsoleti al posto nostro"

Driver Booster 4 - chiccheinformatiche.com review

"Driver Booster 4 rileva tutti i driver presenti sul computer, verifica gli eventuali aggiornamenti disponibili ed installa il nuovo software. Tutto in un solo programma."

Advanced SystemCare V4 - PCactual review

"Entre sus herramientas, destaca la optimización del Registro, la eliminación de rastros de uso, la búsqueda de incongruencias en el sistema de archivos o la detección de agujeros de seguridad en nuestro PC, con un balance general más que satisfactorio."

IObit Uninstaller v2.1 - tamindir.com review

"Türkçe dil desteğine sahip olan IObit Uninstaller kaldırdığınız programların tüm kalıntılarını ve kayıt defteri girdilerini de temizleyerek bilgisayarınız çok daha verimli ve etkin çalışmasını sağlıyor. Ayrıca karşılaşabileceğiniz sorunların ve yavaşlıkların çok daha nadir ortaya çıkmasını sağlıyor."

Advanced SystemCare V4 - windows7download.com review

"The program is too easy to use and requires all actions just in one click.Once scheduled the Advanced SystemCare4 will continue to operate as per the routine and users will stay notified with the status bar."

IObit Uninstaller 5 - informaticapertutti.com review

"Grazie alla facilità di utilizzo e alle numerose caratteristiche offerte, arrivati quindi a questo punto dovresti aver finalmente capito che IObit Uninstaller 5 è il miglior software gratuito che ti aiuterà nel disinstallare correttamente tutti i tuoi programmi."

Advanced SystemCare 8 - hardware-programmi review

"Advanced SystemCare 8, misto con la sofisticata tecnologia più recente, il Advanced SystemCare 8 ha specializzato l'ottimizzazione dell'avvio del sistema e la garanzia della sicurezza online sicurezza."

IObit Malware Fighter 3 - fum-network.org review

"Il programma, l'unico anti malware in commercio sviluppato per lavorare in dual core, è il complemento perfetto ad ogni tradizionale antivirus, visto che consente di poter bloccare o rimuovere minacce importanti come quelle di spyware, adware, trojans, keyloggers, bots, worms, e hijackers."

Driver Booster 2 - fusionserv.com

"Il programma, trova automaticamente i driver non aggiornati e provvede in autonomia ad effettuare gli update, consentendo un notevole risparmio di tempo e svolgendo in tutta sicurezza una procedura non facile, che può portare a malfunzionamenti del sistema in caso di errori."

Advanced SystemCare V4 - Bestfreewaredownload Review

"Once you start using Advanced SystemCare V4 for your system security enhancement, performance optimization you will never regret it. Do not spend money on other programs to optimize, clean, repair your PC. Try Advanced SystemCare 4 today!"

IObit Malware Fighter 3 Free - Guidami.info

"IObit Malware Fighter 3 Free è più che sufficiente (se affiancato al programma antivirus principale) per una buona protezione del computer Windows in tempo reale a livello di rete, file, in avvio di sistema, cookie, browser e anti-hacking"

Advanced SystemCare 8 - MAX89X.it review

"Un programma davvero valido, efficace ed affidabile è il famoso Advanced SystemCare. Questo pratico tool per Windows consente di svolgere molte operazioni di manutenzione per il tuo sistema operativo, al fine di migliorare le prestazioni, la velocità e rimuovere tanti file inutili e obsoleti."

Cnet Top 10 Download of 2010 - download.cnet.com

"Congratulations! Your product is a Top 10 Download of 2010! This is a huge accomplishment to be in the top 10 out of over 200,000 Window products on CNET Downloads. "

Advanced SystemCare Free - Filecluster Review

"If you need a quick system analyzer, an optimization expert and a problem fixer, look no more, all you need is Advanced SystemCare. IObit managed to integrate every single feature of today's top paid system fixers/optimizers, into one powerful free system tool."

IObit Toolbox 1.2 - izone.ru

"IObit Toolbox – хороший пакет для обычного пользователя, который не желает забивать голову лишней информацией о работе системы. Большинство функций автоматизировано. Все основные работы по текущему обслуживанию операционной системы с ее помощью произвести вполне под силу практически любому."

Game Booster2 - Software Informer Review

"Game Booster 2 can perform a one-click boost that mostly closes all those unnecessary processes that usually remain active in the background while you play, taking up valuable resources that might greatly improve your games' performance."

Advanced WindowsCare v1 - CNET Review

"If your system is running sluggishly and you're considering reinstalling Windows, it wouldn't hurt to try this freeware package first."

Advanced WindowsCare v2 Personal - The Times Review

"If you want to give your PC a full MoT, try downloading Advanced SystemCare Free from www.iobit.com, free of charge. This software includes a start-up manager that will advise you which programs it's safe to stop from running at start-up. It also includes a bevy of powerful tools to stop spyware and performs clever tricks such as slightly reducing the quality of the thumbnail images that appear when you open a folder of digital photos, so that you don't suffer that irritating delay."

Advanced WindowsCare v2 Personal - CNET Power Downloader Review

"This program scans several areas of his computer for problems and threats like bad registry keys and spyware. A single scan runs down a list of possible problems and lets him choose which areas should be fixed. It will even optimize his system, control which programs launch at start-up, and clean out junk files at the click of a button."

Advanced WindowsCare v2 Personal - Tucows Review

"Advanced WindowsCare v2 Personal is a totally free program that can make your computer run faster and more efficiently. The program works on all of the key trouble areas on your computer and fixes any problems it finds."

Advanced WindowsCare Personal - SoftPedia Review

"Advanced WindowsCare v2 Personal is a totally free program that can make your computer run faster and more efficiently. The program works on all of the key trouble areas on your computer and fixes any problems it finds."

Advanced SystemCare Free - Download.CHIP.eu Review

"Protect, repair and optimize your computer with Advanced SystemCare Free. Advanced SystemCare Free promises to make your computer faster and safer with just a single click. It removes spy- and adware, prevents security threads, deletes temporary files and fixes registry errors. Easy, quick and effective."

Advanced SystemCare Free - PC World Review

"It's exceedingly simple to use; run the program, then choose which feature you want to use, and it goes about its work. There's too much here to go into detail about it all, but each module is surprisingly fully featured, something you wouldn't expect in an all-in-one tool."

Advanced SystemCare Free - CNET Download Review

"This utility offers a one-stop-shop for cleaning and maintaining your computer for better overall system performance. The interface is very simple, featuring only a few buttons, which makes it easy to get down to cleaning immediately (in fact, it automatically runs on start-up) and doesn't confuse you with multiple steps."

Advanced SystemCare Free - Network World Review

"The software downloads to a user's desktop or laptop and analyzes the system for bottlenecks, hanging applications and unwanted programs, such as adware and spyware, among other things. The software works automatically to fix known problems on Windows machines, such as clogged cache files."

Advanced SystemCare Free - Software Informer Review

"Advanced SystemCare is a nice set of system tools that helps you keep you PC clean and maintain your computer for better overall system performance."

Advanced SystemCare PRO - Top Ten Review

"Advanced SystemCare PRO from IObit is a great set of PC system utilities that does exactly what it set out to do: get your computer up to speed and keep it running with optimum performance. Complete with a variety of superb features, Advanced SystemCare is a great option for keeping your PC running like new."

Advanced SystemCare 8 - programmigratis.org

"Advanced SystemCare Free è uno dei più conosciuti strumenti per l'ottimizzazione gratuita del PC e per il miglioramento delle performance. Si tratta di un programma che agisce a più livelli ed in grado di riparare anche gli errori che si accumulano all'interno del sistema dopo l'uso prolungato del PC."

Advanced SystemCare PRO - InfoPackets Review

"I'm glad to say that I found one! Advanced WindowsCare (AWC) v2 Professional Edition by IObit. The software combines several tools into a single pass. The package will scan Spyware, Registry, do a Privacy Sweep, Optimize your system settings to tune it for your usage habits with System Analysis."

IObit Security 360 - Hub Pages Review

"Unlike other software IObit Security 360 offers real protection for your PC, keeping your computer safe from malware and spyware."

Smart Defrag v1 - MakeUseOf Review

"IObit SmartDefrag is a free software that offers the same features and quality as Diskeeper. The graph (as shown below) shows that it stands up head to head with the best defragmentation software out there."

Smart Defrag v1.0 - Online Tech Tips Review

"The people at IObit.com were kind enough to release their SmartDefrag product to the world for free. I am guessing that right about now you are asking why choose this over other freeware products or the built-in Windows defrag tool. Well, I will tell you what I know; then you can download and decide if you think it fits your needs. Since it is free, you are not out any money for trying it."

IObit SmartDefrag - pcmag.co.uk Review

"Defragging can take a long, long time. Smart Defrag, however, was made with large hard drives in mind in order to avoid long wait times. The interface is about as easy to master as they get (pick a disk and go), and it will also run in the background."

IObit SmartDefrag - FreeDownloads.Com Review

"In such situations this smart tool with its capabilities proves to be the first choice. The tool will automatically defragment your system hard drive keeping it error free all the time. The intuitive interface of the tool comprises of features like; install it and forget it, supports the fastest defragment engine to finish the job in minutes."

IObit SmartDefrag - Gizmo's Tech Support Alert Review

"Even more simple is IObit SmartDefrag. It works away in the background to keep your PC constantly defragged. It's available only in beta at the moment, but the feedback we've received has been excellent. A true set and forget solution."

Game Booster - CNET NEWS Review

"Regardless of how your computer is, Game Booster seems a fast way to make sure that it's at its best for playing games. It took about 10 seconds to switch my computer between gaming and normal modes."

Game Booster - Softonic Review

"As well as improving gaming, Games Booster will also help in running any system hungry application you choose to launch. The application itself uses very little processing power, and it's great being able to turn lots of processes on and off with a single click."

Game Booster - Download Squad Review

"Game Booster is useful in non-gaming situations as well - keep it handy to quiet background process noise whenever you're firing up any processor-hungry application."

Advanced SystemCare - Softonic Review

"Advanced SystemCare is an easy-to-use, quick system analyzer and optimizer that fixes the most common computer problems and can make your PC faster and more stable."

Advanced SystemCare 8 - romahelpdesk.it review

"Nel panorama delle utility di sistema per avere un controllo efficiente dello stato del PC, Advanced SystemCare di IObit può essere considerato uno dei migliori software da tenere in considerazione."

Advanced SystemCare Free - FAMOUSWHY Review

"For a free system care software, Advanced SystemCare Free incorporates more than enough tools and features. It is easy to use, fast and most important, safe."

Advanced SystemCare Free - WareSeeker Review

"Advanced SystemCare Free is a comprehensive PC care utility that takes an one-click approach to help protect, repair and optimize your computer."

Advanced SystemCare 10 - techbyte.it Review

"Advanced System Care 10 è un programma molto potente ed efficace per ottimizzare e migliorare la velocità del proprio PC. Grazie alle molteplici funzionalità, è possibile eseguire un gran numero di operazioni per la protezione del computer."

Driver Booster - dopedgeeks review

"Ecco perché vi consigliamo di installare Driver Booster, così facendo non avrete più problemi con i driver e in caso di malfunzionamenti potrete tranquillamente ripristinare la versione precedente dei driver con pochi e semplici click."

Advanced SystemCare Free - Fiberdownload Review

"If you are looking for a program that can keep your system operating as efficiently as possible and eliminate any security threats at the same time, you have everything you need and then some with Advanced System Care. It works equally well with all versions of Windows 2000 and up, both 32 and 64 bit, and the best part is, it's free!"

Advanced SystemCare Free - Globalshareware Review

"The whole process in using Advanced SystemCare Free is easy and fast. The interface is clean and the functions are surprisingly powerful. It surpports multiple language, so it will satisfy you wherever you are from."

Advanced SystemCare PRO - Software112 Review

"The Advanced SystemCare Professional application provided by Iobit is a well designed, user friendly and rich in features package offering users an advanced scanning and protection solution."

Advanced SystemCare 9 - windowspower.de Review

"RAM Freigeben, System optimieren und schützen, Speicherplatz wieder freigeben, Dienste beenden uvm. das alles können Sie mit Advanced SystemCare machen."

Advanced SystemCare with Antivirus 2012 - webutilidad

"Sin duda se trata de la suite más completa hasta la fecha para mantener nuestro equipo limpio y en perfectas condiciones, manteniendo lo así como el primer día y lo que es más importante, protegiendo nuestra información de cualquier acceso no autorizado, dándonos la tranquilidad necesaria para potenciar nuestra productividad."

IObit Uninstaller 3 - softmonk.com

"This utility requires a moderate amount of system resources. It did its job well during our tests and caused no problem. If you are looking for a comprehensive solution to remove applications and leftovers, IObit Uninstaller is the best for you."

WinMetro - ilovefreesoftware.com

"As you could see, WinMetro provides exact copy of Windows 8 start screen. So it is really beneficial for all those users who want to upgrade to Windows 8 or just want to enjoy Windows 8 Metro User Interface on Windows 7."

MacBooster - http://aptgadget.com

"Macbooster 3 has built on it's predecessors and in the process has delivered a very effective and streamlined optimization program. The gain in performance is noticeable and the program's seamless integration means it's always handy when you need it."

Advanced SystemCare 9 - CompactstudioPro Review

"Advanced SystemCare macht es möglich, mit nur einem klick behebt es alle Probleme und steigert die Betriebsgeschwindigkeit phänomenal"

MacBooster 4 - anysoftwaretools.com

"If you're new to the Mac world or are a bit uncomfortable with diving into technical stuff, MacBooster is about as good as you are going to find when it comes to its all-in-one nature."

Advanced SystemCare 10 - pandia.com

"IObit Advanced SystemCare 10 Professional is a great PC performance optimization tool that not only boosts the performance and overall health of your PC but also helps you in many other things as well, like online privacy and faster internet browsing. A must try for every savvy PC user. "

IObit Malware Fighter 6 - downloadcentral.no

"IObit Malware Fighter Free er et avansert malware- og spywareprogram, som fjerner selv de dypeste infeksjoner og beskytter PCen din mot forskjellige potensielle spyware, adware, trojanere, keyloggers, søkeroboter, ormer og hackere."

Smart Defrag 5 - maddownload.com

"Smart Defrag 5 can easily be called one of the best defrag software products on the market. What is even more important Smart Defrag can be downloaded for free. IObit software speeds up access to the files on your hard drive, solving the issue of slow performing PC."

Advanced SystemCare 12 PRO - Ten Computer

"Advanced System Care is a professional and all-in-one windows software which can protect, clean and fix all things on Windows system."

Advanced SystemCare 12 - BytesIn

"Advanced SystemCare is a powerful free utility, capable of enhancing computer performance and speed that contains a vast range of tools for system analysis, optimization and fixing problems."

Advanced SystemCare 12 - Brafiler

"Advanced SystemCare Free kan storstäda din dator och se till att onödigt skräp som slöar ner den försvinner. Resultatet blir en snabbar dator.Programmet kan skanna hela ditt system för filer som antingen skadar datorn eller inte behöver den."

Advanced System Care Ultimate - tekcompare

"With the IObit Advanced System Care Ultimate 12, protection and optimization don’t take much effort at all. It effectively blocks malware while safeguarding everything from your contacts to your browsing activities."

IObit Malware Fighter - thinkmobiles.com

"IMF performs well, not loading a PC too much even while scanning. It offers lots of tools to safeguard your web activity, as well as protect against ransomware."

Advanced SystemCare - thinkmobiles.com

"Due to all-encompassing and comprehensive approach, IObit Advanced SystemCare is easily one of the best PC optimization utilities on the market right now."

IObit Malware Fighter - download.zone

"IObit Malware Fighter is able to detect the most complex spyware and malware in a very fast and efficient way."

IObit Uninstaller - download.zone

"With IObit Uninstaller you can search for installed software, find and remove the programs taking up the most space or the ones you hardly use, uninstall browser toolbars and plugins, remove downloads made from Windows Update, and even see which of your programs could be updated to a newer version."

Advanced SystemCare - thewindowsplus.org

"Advanced SystemCare Pro is a system cleaning and optimization tool that can remove junk files in a hassle-free manner"

Driver Booster - windowsradar.com

"Driver Boosters are extremely essential for a computer. It provides the system with a new life and support."

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