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Camera Guard

As known, PC camera could be controlled remotely by a hacker. It’s very dangerous to expose privacy, even personal activities to such dangerous people. Camera Guard feature in IObit Malware Fighter can protect user’s camera from unauthorized accesses. Every process to the camera will be detected by Camera Guard and can’t continue if you don’t allow it to use your camera. Therefore, no malicious modification of camera will occur any more with this feature.

Files/Folders Protection

Files and folders can be accessed secretly that you may never notice. Some malicious programs collect the sensitive data from the computers. What’s worse, they might encrypt files/folders even damage the whole hard drive. To avoid unauthorized accesses, Safe Box offers a safe land to store your important data. Every process to the files in the Safe Box must get your permission. Besides, Black List allows users to add programs which will be blocked by Safe Box automatically.

Online Privacy Protection

Browser cookies are small bits of information that websites place on the hard drive of your computer. Some malicious websites may use cookies to track your browsing and collect sensitive information. Anti-Tracking feature can clear tracking cookies automatically every time the browser is closed and record the clear details in the history for necessary check. Besides, users can add trusted cookies to White List to avoid removing wanted cookies.
Simply Install IObit Malware Fighter, You’ll Never Worry about Privacy Leaks with Few OFF-to-ON settings!
V 12.2.0 | 55.4 MB
Поддержка Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista

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Easy-to-Use PC Toolkit >
Unauthorized Access Protector & System Reinforcer >
Real-Time Protection & Browser Security >
System Security & Repair >

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