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IObit Released Random Password Generator to Improve Privacy Keeping

Dec 3, 2009IObit announced password generator and manager Random Password Generator to produce strong, not easy to crack password and easy to manage, convenient to use password manager.

Random Password Generator is developed with IObit security technology to help computer users keep privacy by creating strong password and easy to manage password tool. Ensures privacy, Random Password Generator is built with a front box with password required to access this tool to keep your password management spectacled by other people who happen to use your computer. A six minimum entrance password is needed when first opening the software.

"You can create password with secure elements included to make your password strong," said Hugo Dong, CEO of IObit, "and then you can store the created password in your database where you can manage the password by adding matched ID and a hint in editable remark in the end. Strong password and easy to use and manage is what we want Random Password Generator to become".

Designed for Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, Random Password Generator is available in English. More details of Random Password Generator can be found at: http://www.iobit.com/passwordgenerator.php

About IObit
IObit.com is an innovative, young and promising company. The company was founded in 2004 by two creative young programmers. With the great popularity of Advanced WindowsCare v1 in 2005, IObit has become one of the fastest-growing and most successful new companies in the Internet. IObit is also a provider of award-winning software products designed to deliver superior performance, protection and security to PC users. More information is available at http://www.iobit.com.

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